英國保養品牌在台開設美髮沙龍 _ 剪髮結合肩頸按摩 _ 連結五感的全新體驗
The British skincare brand has opened a hair salon in Taiwan, including haircuts and shoulder and neck massages, to bring you a new experience that connects your five senses.
來自英國的美妝保養品牌LUXE YOUNG,以護膚系列及脈輪精油為主要產品,在台灣擁有首間形象概念館,採互動式的紓壓SPA體驗,並開設美顏實體課程,更與D.G. Wander合作推出限量的藝術聯名保養品禮盒。如今LUXE YOUNG又有了新的版圖,新開幕的美髮沙龍LUXE YOUNG HAIR SALON,結合香氛精油的肩頸紓壓按摩,展開美髮沙龍的新體驗。
LUXE YOUNG, a British beauty skincare brand, with the main products of the skin care series and Chakras essential oils, has opened the first image concept store in Taiwan, offering interactive stress-relieving SPA, entity beauty courses, and limited-edition art co-branded gift boxes with D.G. Wander. Today, LUXE YOUNG has expanded its field to the newly opened hair salon, LUXE YOUNG HAIR SALON, combining shoulder and neck stress-relieving massage with fragrance oil, and bringing a new experience to the hair salon.
Shoulder and neck massage with Chakras essential oils, which brings you a new feeling in both body and mind.

一般肩頸紓壓按摩在SPA會館才能體驗,現在LUXE YOUNG HAIR SALON也能感受指間的巧勁,以及筋脈被疏通的暢快感!在設計師巧手的細心呵護前,先來做個趣味的小測驗,看看身體各部位的脈輪能量有多少?比較欠缺能量的一環都幫你設想好了!搭配適合的脈輪精油,不但可以平衡能量,同時調和成按摩油,針對肩頸進行紓壓按摩,體驗宛如天堂樂園般的享受。先從客製化的精油紓壓放鬆身心,為接下來的剪髮步驟做足準備。
Massages for the shoulder and neck are usually seen in SPA clubs, but now you can also experience the comfortable massage fingering and the pleasure of dredging the meridians in LUXE YOUNG HAIR SALON. But before the stylist trims your hair, you will have an interesting quiz about how much chakra energy is in each part of your body. We offer a variety of enhancements for different chakras energy deficiencies. With suitable chakra essential oils that are blended into massage oil, it can not only balance energy but can let you feel heavenly comfort through stress relief massages for the shoulders and neck. Relax with a customized essential oil stress-relief massage to prepare you for the coming haircut.
You will perfectly transform into a new look from scalp detection to the haircut.

LUXE YOUNG HAIR SALON備有先進的頭皮檢測儀,可將頭皮放大500倍,讓毛囊及頭皮狀況完整呈現,說明健康的頭皮應是何種樣貌,並讓客戶了解自己的頭皮問題,針對油脂過多、皮屑問題、敏感膚質等給予調理建議,從問題對症下藥,輕鬆做好頭皮養護。
LUXE YOUNG HAIR SALON is equipped with an advanced scalp detector, which can magnify the scalp 500 times and present complete hair follicles and scalp conditions. By explaining the appearance of a healthy scalp to let customers understand their scalp problems. We provide conditioning advice for excessive oil, dandruff, sensitive skin, and so on, to find the right antidote and help customers perfectly care for their scalp.

In terms of haircuts, Michael, the CEO and principal designer has 20 years of experience in hairstyling and is responsible for unifying operational policies and establishing brand positioning. He has served in places such as Taipei, Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Dongguan, and Manila as principal technical director and principal designer, having extensive experience in leading teams and participating in several international competitions. For customers of different ages and occupations, we can surely design a new, prettier, and sleeker look according to personal characteristics.
另外還聘請BORIS-HC柏麗絲學院校長Boris擔任首席顧問,資歷豐富的他曾在英國沙宣以及TONI&GUY、Alan等學院就讀,專精頭皮護理領域,在LUXE YOUNG HAIR SALON負責指導產品培訓,使設計團隊更加全能。
In addition, Boris, the president of BORIS-HC is also invited as the principal consultant. With plenty of experiences, he studied at colleges such as Sassoon Academy British, TONI&GUY, and Alan, and specializes in the field of scalp care. He is responsible for guiding product training, which makes the design team more versatile.
The space is designed ingeniously and offers special areas for children.

沙龍空間的裝潢設計也別出心裁。整體門面是英倫歐風的設計理念,並以古典的吧檯呈現新穎的調酒,做完造型後以完美的自己品味一杯微醺,以舒暢的身心迎接午後時光;綠色牆面特地選用「馬來漆」進行塗刷,保留刮刷的筆觸與紋路,素雅的牆面散發出精緻工藝的美感;還有熱帶雨林主題的網美打卡牆,搭配Have a good hair day的閃耀字體,未來每季也會更換不同主題。
The decoration design of the salon space is ingenious. The overall facade is designed in the concept of British European style and presents novel bartending with a classical bar. After finishing the modeling, you can enjoy a cup of drunkenness with yourself, and be pleased with the afternoon with a relaxed body and mind. The green wall is specially painted with stucco and retains the brush strokes and lines to make this elegant wall exudes exquisite beauty. There is also a tropical rainforest decoration wall for taking the instagram-worthy photo with the shine font of Have a Good Hair Day, and it will be changed every season in the future.

值得注意的是,沙龍現場擺設了一台小型電動車,是專門為兒童準備的「造型椅」。小孩剪髮最怕動來動去,恐怕再專業的設計師也會頭痛,但有了這台電動車,坐上去的孩子就安靜了下來,讓設計師專心操刀;孩童不剪髮也沒關係,酷炫的電動車就是他的最佳遊樂場。家長不必再擔心如何安置小朋友了,來LUXE YOUNG HAIR SALON輕鬆享受一場沙龍之旅吧!
It is worth noting that a small electric car is displayed at the salon, which is a "styling chair" specially prepared for children. Children usually don't sit properly when they are cutting hair, and it might trouble the designers. But when having this chair, children who sit on it can become more focused so that the designers can better trim their hair. It doesn't matter if the children do not willing to cut their hair, this chair can also be their best playground. In this way, parents no longer have to worry about how to take care of their children. So, come to LUXE YOUNG HAIR SALON and enjoy your wonderful coming experience.

營業時間:11:30 ~ 20:30 (週一公休)